Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mosaic Swan

In addition to live swans, artful ones can be seen in locations all around town. In fact there is an abundance of public art in Lakeland, just another of the nice things about it. Right now this one, just outside city hall, is my favorite but I’m not sure that I’ve seen them all yet, and there are many other very nice ones. As I get around town I seem to keep discovering others that I hadn’t seen before. There are also several rather large artful butterflies as well.

This swan suffered some damage and is now missing a few tiles, I’m glad that I got this photo before that happened, and I hope it can be repaired soon. I don’t know what caused the damage, but this is the only one that I’ve seen any damage on at all. That is remarkable in most communities.


  1. We visited the Methodist Church in Lakeland Sunday (March 22) to say good by to a friend. Your city and their people are fantastic and you will have an easy time filling your blog with pictures of Lakeland. Welcome to the group.

  2. That's a beautiful piece of artwork! I hope they get it repaired too.

    Welcome to the CDPB community! I like what I see of Lakeland so far — you live in such a gorgeous city! Looking forward to seeing more.

    Hope you can join the first-of-the-month theme day — it's a lot of fun. Look for the directions in the blog authors' forum. The theme for April 1 is yellow :)

  3. Thanks all, and I found a great photo for theme day!
